ETAPS 2000 - timetable Clicking on day shows daily programme, clicking on name shows the authors list, clicking on room number shows location plan.

Saturday, March 25
Session chair: H. Peter Gumm (Marburg University, Germany)
14:00Observation systems
Luís Monteiro (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
14:30Coalgebras for binary methods
Hendrik Tews (TU Dresden, Germany)
15:00Coinduction for recursive data types, partial order and metric spaces
James Worrell (Oxford University, UK)
15:30 Coffee
Session chair: H. Peter Gumm (Marburg University, Germany)
16:00Coalgebras and Modal Logic
Martin Rößiger (TU Dresden, Germany)
16:30Distributivity for endofunctors, pointed and co-pointed endofunctors, monads, and comonads
Marina Lenisa (University of Udine, Italy), John Power (Edinburgh University, UK), Hiroshi Watanabe (Electrotecnical Laboratory, Amagasaki, Japan)
19:00 CMCS 2000 Dinner
Sunday, March 26
Session chair: Ataru T. Nakagawa (Software Research Associates, Inc., Japan)
9:00Towards a Duality Result in the Modal Logic of Coalgebras
Bart Jacobs (University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
9:30On Corelations, Cokernels, and Coequations
Uwe Wolter (TU Berlin, Germany)
10:00Constraints, Adjunctions and (Co)algebras
Ola Angelsmark (University of Linköping, Sweden)
10:30 Coffee
Session chair: Ataru T. Nakagawa (Software Research Associates, Inc., Japan)
11:00Coalgebraic Coinduction in (Hyper)set-theoretic Categories
Furio Honsell, Marina Lenisa (University of Udine, Italy)
11:30Truth-as-Simulation: towards a coalgebraic perspective on logic and games
Alexandru Baltag (CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
12:00A Coalgebraic Semantics of Subtyping
Erik Poll, (University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
12:30 Lunch
Session chair: Jan Rutten (CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
14:00Compositional Constructor Interpretation over Coalgebraic Models for the -Calculus
Michael Baldamus (University of Karlsruhe, Germany)
14:30Incompleteness of Behavioral Logics
Samuel Buss Grigore Rosu (University of California at San Diego, USA)
15:00An Algebra-Coalgeba Framework for System Specification
Corina Cirstea (Oxford University, UK)
15:30 Coffee
Session chair: Jan Rutten (CWI, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
16:00Coalgebraic structures from weak limit preserving functors
H. Peter Gumm, Tobias Schröder (Marburg University, Germany)
16:30Notes on Coalgebra, Cofibration and Concurrency
Alexander Kurz, Dirk Pattinson (LMU Munich, Germany)

Information maintained by Doris Fähndrich