Hotel Information

Etaps organization offers the participants of ETAPS 2007 rooms at special prices in selected hotels. Participants can book hotel rooms at the online registration system.

The online system will offer participants the possibility to book rooms in the hotels defined below. Participants will be asked to select one, or more (recommended), preferred hotels, and to specify the arrival date and number of nights they stay. The ETAPS 2007 organization will then (pre)book one hotel room according to participant's request and availability. Participants will be notified by email of the pre-booking details. In order to confirm the booking of the hotel, participants will have two weeks to confirm payment (on the online registration system).

Note that we expect many participants at ETAPS. So, if you want to make sure that you have a room at your preferred Hotel, please book it at soon as possible.


We have reserved rooms in the following hotels. (All rates are in Euros and include taxes. Breakfast is included if not explicitly mentioned otherwise.)

To see the exact location of the hotels in Braga city center, please see the map.


If you want to change your hotel (or registration), please contact the Etaps Organization by e-mail, phone, or fax.

Cancellation/Refund policies

Participants who want to cancel a confirmed hotel reservation, may ask for refunding. Cancellations received by the Etaps-Organization (fax: +351 253 604471) before March 15, will be charged 15 EUR for administrative costs.
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