Jonathan Chan, Stephanie Weirich. Stratified Type Theory
Roméo La Spina, Sandrine Blazy, Delphine Demange. Formal Verification of WTO-based Dataflow Solvers
Wenjia Ye, Matías Toro, Claudio Gutierrez, Bruno C. D. S. Oliveira, Éric Tanter. Elucidating Type Conversions in SQL
Beniamino Accattoli. The Vanilla Sequent Calculus is Call-by-Value
Risa Yamada, Naoki Kobayashi, Ken Sakayori, Ryosuke Sato. On the Relationship between Dijkstra Monads and
Higher-Order Fixpoint Logic
Felix Stutz, Emanuele D’Osualdo. An Automata-theoretic Basis for Specification and Type Checking of Multiparty
Rongen Lin, Hongjin Liang, Xinyu Feng. Verifying Algorithmic Versions of the Lovász Local Lemma
Weijie Fan, Hongjin Liang, Xinyu Feng, Hanru Jiang. A Program Logic for Concurrent Randomized Programs in the
Oblivious Adversary Model
Joseph Eremondi, Ohad Kammar. Coverage Semantics for Dependent Pattern Matching
Giovanni Bernardi, Ilaria Castellani, Paul Laforgue, Léo Stefanesco. Constructive characterisations of the
must-preorder for asynchrony
Lucas Cordeiro, Matthew Daggitt, Julien Girard-Satabin, Omri Isac, Taylor T. Johnson, Guy Katz, Ekaterina
Komendantskaya, Augustin Lemesle, Edoardo Manino, Artjoms Šinkarovs, Haoze Wu. Neural Network Verification is a
Programming Language Challenge
Guillaume Ambal, Ori Lahav, Azalea Raad. Sufficient Conditions for Robustness of RDMA Programs
Yaozhu Sun, Bruno C. d. S. Oliveira. Named Arguments as Intersections, Optional Arguments as Unions
Thomas EHRHARD, Claudia FAGGIAN, Michele PAGANI. Variable Elimination as Rewriting in a Linear Lambda Calculus
Marco Giunti, Nobuko Yoshida. Iso-Recursive Multiparty Sessions and their Automated Verification
Florian Sextl, Adam Rogalewicz, Tomáš Vojnar, Florian Zuleger. Compositional Shape Analysis with Shared Abduction
and Biabductive Loop Acceleration
Amir Kafshdar Goharshady, S Hitarth, Sergei Novozhilov. Efficient Synthesis of Tight Polynomial Upper-bounds for
Systems of Conditional Polynomial Recurrences
Kimball Germane, Tim Whiting. Context-Sensitive Demand-Driven Control-Flow Analysis
Robin Piedeleu, Mateo Torres-Ruiz, Alexandra Silva, Fabio Zanasi. A Complete Axiomatisation of Equivalence for
Discrete Probabilistic Programming
Dragana Milovancevic, Mario Bucev, Marcin Wojnarowski, Samuel Chassot, VIktor Kuncak. Formal Autograding in a
Jérôme Boillot, Jérôme Feret. Abstraction of memory block manipulations by symbolic loop folding
Christian Skalka, Joe Near. SMT-Boosted Security Types for Low-Level MPC
Peio Borthelle, Tom Hirschowitz, Guilhem Jaber, Yannick Zakowski. An abstract, certified account of operational game
Sung-Shik Jongmans. First-Person Choreographic Programming with Continuation-Passing Communications
Matthew Alan Le Brun, Simon Fowler, Ornela Dardha. Multiparty Session Types with a Bang!
Joseph Bond, Cristina David, Minh Nguyen, Dominic Orchard, Roly Perera. Conjugate Operators for Transparent,
Explorable Research Outputs
Matteo Acclavio, Giulia Manara, Fabrizio Montesi. Formulas as Processes, Deadlock-Freedom as Choreographies
Pierre Goutagny, Aymeric Fromherz, Raphaël Monat. CUTECat: Concolic Execution for Computational Law
Sergei Stepanenko, Emma Nardino, Dan Frumin, Amin Timany, Lars Birkedal. Context-Dependent Effects in Guarded
Interaction Trees
Andrei Paskevich, Paul Patault, Jean-Christophe Filliâtre. Coma, an Intermediate Verification Language with Explicit
Abstraction Barriers
Junyi Lu, Xiaojia Li, Zihan Hua, Lei Yu, Shiqi Chen, Li Yang, Fengjun Zhang and Chun Zuo. DeepCRCEval: Revisiting the Evaluation of Code Review Comment Generation
Xie Li, Zhaoyue Yuan, Zhenduo Zhang, Youcheng Sun and Lijun Zhang. Towards Large Language Model Guided Kernel Direct Fuzzing
Jia Chen, Xiao Lei Chen, Jie Shi, Peng Wang and Wei Wang. VOCE: A Virtual On-Call Engineer for Automated Alert Incident Analysis Using a Large Language Model
Raffi Khatchadourian, Tatiana Castro Vélez, Mehdi Bagherzadeh, Nan Jia and Anita Raja. Hybridize Functions: A Tool for Automatically Refactoring Imperative Deep Learning Programs to Graph Execution
Axel Ferréol, Laurent Corbin and Nikolai Kosmatov. Prove your Colorings: Formal Verification of Cache Coloring of Bao Hypervisor
Marco Paganoni and Carlo A. Furia. Reasoning about Substitutability at the Level of Bytecode
Sven Schneider, Maria Maximova and Holger Giese. Stochastic Timed Graph Transformation Systems
Mahboubeh Samadi, Aryan Bastany and Hossein Hojjat. Compositional Learning for Synchronous Parallel Automata
James Baxter, Bert van Acker, Morten Kristensen, Thomas Wright, Ana Cavalcanti and Cláudio Gomes. Formal Architectural Patterns for Adaptive Robotic Software
Mohsen Ghaffari, Mahsa Varshosaz, Einar Broch Johnsen and Andrzej Wasowski. Symbolic State Partitioning for Reinforcement Learning
Holly Hendry, Ana Cavalcanti, Cade McCall and Mark Chattington. Human-Robot Interaction in the Design and Verification of Robotic Systems
Matt Earnshaw and Mario Román. Context-Free Languages of String Diagrams
Linan Chen, Florence Clerc and Prakash Panangaden. A behavioural pseudometric for continuous-time Markov processes
Daniel Gratzer, Mathias Adam Møller and Lars Birkedal. Idempotent Resources in Separation Logic
Marco Bernardo, Andrea Esposito and Claudio Antares Mezzina. Alternative Characterizations of Hereditary
History-Preserving Bisimilarity via Backward Ready Multisets
Vojtěch Havlena, Ondrej Lengal and Barbora Šmahlíková. Complementation of Emerson-Lei Automata
Pedro Nora, Jurriaan Rot, Lutz Schröder and Paul Wild. Relational Connectors and Heterogeneous Simulations
Esaïe Bauer and Alexis Saurin. On the cut-elimination of the modal $\mu$-calculus: Linear Logic to the rescue
Kinnari Dave, Louis Lemonnier, Romain Péchoux and Vladimir Zamdzhiev. Combining quantum and classical control:
syntax, semantics and adequacy
Kevin Batz, Joost-Pieter Katoen and Nora Orhan. Quantifier Elimination and Craig Interpolation: The Quantitative
Bálint Kocsis and Jurriaan Rot. Complete Test Suites for Automata in Monoidal Closed Categories
Nicolas Waldburger, Chana Weil-Kennedy, Pierre Ganty and César Sánchez. Temporal Hyperproperties for Population
Leandro Gomes, Patrick Baillot and Marco Gaboardi. BiGKAT: an algebraic framework for relational verification of
probabilistic programs
Tobias Kappé and Todd Schmid. A General Completeness Theorem for Skip-free Star Algebras
Pablo Barenbaum and Eduardo Bonelli. Sharing and Linear Logic with Restricted Access
Filippo Bonchi, Alessandro Di Giorgio and Elena Di Lavore. A Diagrammatic Algebra for Program Logics
Ashwani Anand, Satya Prakash Nayak, Ritam Raha, Irmak Saglam and Anne-Kathrin Schmuck. Fair Quantitative Games
Petr Jancar, Jérôme Leroux and Jiri Valusek. Structural Liveness of Conservative Petri Nets
Yotam Dvir, Ohad Kammar, Ori Lahav and Gordon Plotkin. Two-sorted algebraic decompositions of Brookes’s shared-state
denotational semantics
Patricia Bouyer, B Srivathsan and Vaishnavi Vishwanath. Model-checking real-time systems: revisiting the alternating
automaton route
Regular Research Papers
Anna Stramaglia, Jeroen J. A. Keiren, Maurice Laveaux and Tim A. C. Willemse. Efficient Evidence Generation for Modal μ-Calculus Model Checking
Bernd Finkbeiner, Niklas Metzger, Satya Prakash Nayak and Anne-Kathrin Schmuck. Synthesis of Universal Safety Controllers
Carlos E. Budde, Arnd Hartmanns, Tobias Meggendorfer, Maximilian Weininger and Patrick Wienhöft. Sound Statistical Model Checking for Probabilities and Expected Rewards
Chenxi Ji, Huan Zhang and Sayan Mitra. Reachability for Nonsmooth Systems with Lexicographic Jacobians
Christoph Jabs, Jeremias Berg, Bart Bogaerts and Matti Järvisalo. Certifying Pareto-Optimality in Multi-Objective Maximum Satisfiability
Daimy Van Caudenberg, Bart Bogaerts and Leandro Vendramin. Incremental SAT-Based Enumeration of Solutions to the Yang-Baxter Equation
Daniela Kaufmann and Jérémy Berthomieu. Extracting Linear Relations from Gröbner Bases for Formal Verification of And-Inverter Graphs
Derek Egolf and Stavros Tripakis. Accelerating Protocol Synthesis and Detecting Unrealizability with Interpretation Reduction
Krishnendu Chatterjee, Ehsan Kafshdar Goharshady, Petr Novotný and Đorđe Žikelić. Refuting Equivalence in Probabilistic Programs with Conditioning
Krishnendu Chatterjee, Mahdi Jafariraviz, Raimundo Saona Urmeneta and Jakub Svoboda. Value Iteration with Guessing for Markov Chains and Markov Decision Processes
Levente Bajczi, Csanád Telbisz, Dániel Szekeres and András Vörös. On Stability in a Happens-Before Propagator for Concurrent Programs (Reproducibility Study)
Lydia Kondylidou, Andrew Reynolds and Jasmin Blanchette. Augmenting Model-Based Instantiation with Fast Enumeration
Michael Blondin, Michaël Cadilhac, Xin-Yi Cui, Philipp Czerner, Javier Esparza and Jakob Schulz. Weakly acyclic diagrams: A data structure for infinite-state symbolic verification
Michaël Cadilhac, Antonio Casares and Pierre Ohlmann. Fast value iteration: A uniform approach to efficient algorithms for energy games
Muhammad Osama, Dimitrios Thanos and Alfons Laarman. Parallel Equivalence Checking of Stabilizer Quantum Circuits on GPUs
Nicolaj Østerby Jensen, Jiri Srba and Kim Guldstrand Larsen. Token Elimination in Model Checking of Petri Nets
Orna Kupferman and Ofer Leshkowitz. Synthesis with Guided Environments
Prince Mathew, Vincent Penelle and A V Sreejith. Learning real-time one-counter automata using polynomially many queries
Raz Lotan and Sharon Shoham. Implicit Rankings for Verifying Liveness Properties in First-Order Logic
Rodrigo Otoni, Martin Blicha, Matias Barandiaran Rivera, Patrick Eugster, Jan Kofroň and Natasha Sharygina. Unsatisfiability Proofs for Horn Solving
Roy Yatskan, Ilia Shevrin and Shahar Maoz. Performance Heuristics for GR(1) Realizability Checking and Related Analyses
Samuel Teuber, Philipp Kern, Marvin Janzen and Bernhard Beckert. Revisiting Differential Verification: Equivalence Verification with Confidence
Tim Quatmann, Maximilian Schäffeler, Maximilian Weininger, Tobias Winkler, Daniel Zilken and Krishnendu Chatterjee. Fixed Point Certificates for Reachability and Expected Rewards in MDPs
Wenhua Li, Quang Loc Le, Yahui Song and Wei-Ngan Chin. Inferring Incorrectness Specifications for Object-Oriented Programs
Yannik Schnitzer, Alessandro Abate and David Parker. Certifiably Robust Policies for Uncertain Parametric Environments
Yoav Feisntein, Orna Kupferman and Noam Shenwald. Non-Zero-Sum Games with Multiple Weighted Objectives
Zhouxing Shi, Qirui Jin, Zico Kolter, Suman Jana, Cho-Jui Hsieh and Huan Zhang. Neural Network Verification with Branch-and-Bound for General Nonlinearities
Zili Wang, Katherine Kosaian and Kristin Yvonne Rozier. Formally Verifying a Transformation from MLTL Formulas to Regular Expressions
Case Study Papers
Jan Baumeister, Bernd Finkbeiner, Frederik Scheerer, Julian Siber and Tobias Wagenpfeil. Stream-based Monitoring of Algorithmic Fairness
Rafael Gonçalves, Filipe Gouveia, Inês Lynce and José Fragoso Santos. Proxy Attribute Discovery in Machine Learning Datasets via Inductive Logic Programming
Shabnam Ghasemirad, Christoph Sprenger, Si Liu, Luca Multazzu and David Basin. Pushing the Limit: Verified Performance-Optimal Causally-Consistent Database Transactions
Tool Demo Papers
Jan Heemstra and Anton Wijs. GPUexplore-prob: Markov Chain State Space Construction and Verification with GPUs
Marek Chalupa, Thomas A. Henzinger, Nicolas Mazzocchi and N. Ege Saraç. Automating the Analysis of Quantitative Automata with QuAK
Shufang Zhu and Marco Favorito. LydiaSyft: A Compositional Symbolic Synthesis Framework for LTLf Specifications
Tian-Fu Chen and Jie-Hong Roland Jiang. SliQSim: A Quantum Circuit Simulator and Property Checker
Regular Tool Papers
David Chocholatý, Vojtěch Havlena, Lukáš Holík, Jan Hranička, Ondrej Lengal and Juraj Síč. Z3-Noodler 1.3: Shepherding Decision Procedures for Strings with Model Generation
Jan Kretinsky, Tobias Meggendorfer, Maximilian Prokop and Ashkan Zarkhah. SemML: Enhancing Automata-Theoretic LTL Synthesis with Machine Learning
Jonas Schöpf and Aart Middeldorp. Automated Analysis of Logically Constrained Rewrite Systems using crest
Leni Aniva, Chuyue Sun, Brando Miranda, Clark Barrett and Sanmi Koyejo. Pantograph: A Machine-to-Machine Interaction Interface for Advanced Theorem Proving, High Level Reasoning, and Data Extraction in Lean 4
Liron Cohen, Reuben Rowe and Matan Shaked. Cyclone: A Heterogeneous Tool for Verifying Infinite Descent
Mark S. Baranowski, Zvonimir Rakamaric and Ganesh Gopalakrishnan. Equivalence Checking of a libm Port
Mazigh Saoudi, Souheib Baarir, Julien Sopena and Thibault Lejemble. D-Painless: A Framework for Distributed Portfolio SAT Solving
Nikolaus Huber, Naomi Spargo, Nicolas Osborne, Samuel Hym and Jan Midtgaard. Dynamic Verification of OCaml Software with Gospel and Ortac/QCheck-STM
Yakir Vizel and Basel Khouri. Revisiting DRUP-based Interpolants with CaDiCaL 2.0
Yu-Fang Chen, Kai-Min Chung, Min-Hsiu Hsieh, Wei-Jia Huang, Ondrej Lengal, Jyun-Ao Lin and Wei-Lun Tsai. AutoQ 2.0: From Verification of Quantum Circuits to Verification of Quantum Programs